Customizing Columns

Course Length:
25 minutes

"Creating a Schedule" On-Demand class.

Provided Courseware:
Instructional PDF of covered features.

Course Objective:
In this course, you will learn how to add detail to the schedule by customizing FastTrack Schedule's many available columns. Learn how to format columns based on the data you wish to build into the schedule. Column types discussed in this class include: text, number, hyperlink, and image columns.

Course Outline:
  1. Accessing and adding additional columns to a FastTrack Schedule file.
  2. Inserting and formatting Text columns: Learn how to insert a customizable text column that will display which department is responsible for a task. Create customized value lists for easy data input.
  3. Inserting and formatting Number columns: Learn how to insert a customizable number column that can show the budgeted values of tasks. Enable Summary Calculations to show rolled up totals for groups of tasks in the project.
  4. Insert and utilize Hyperlink columns: Learn about the three different types of hyperlinks you can create in a file.
  5. Insert and utilize Image columns: Learn how to add images directly to a task.
  6. Learn how to use the Column Map tool, which allows you to locate and identify the names of customized columns within your file.